CENTER:&color(navy){&size(24){''Embedding spectral information into RGB image''};};
**概要 [#bd881fdf]
**Abstract [#bd881fdf]
-Since most of the current digital cameras, images, and displays are formatted in an RGB color space, it is difficult to introduce multispectral applications into RGB imaging systems. Therefore, we propose to embed spectral data into RGB image. The obtained RGB image can be used as an usual RGB image for sharing/viewing, meanwhile,  multispectral image can be reconstructed by extracting spectral data.


**電子透かしを利用したRGB画像中へのスペクトル情報の埋め込み [#p0e0f609]
--篠田一馬,番沢和茂,長谷川まどか, " 画像データ処理装置及びプログラム," 特願2016-073754, 2016-3-31.
--番沢和茂, 篠田一馬, 長谷川まどか, 加藤茂夫, "圧縮耐性を持つ電子透かしを用いたRGB画像へのスペクトル情報埋め込みに関する検討," マルチメディア情報ハイディング・エンリッチメント研究会, Mar. 2016.
**Multispectral information embedding into RGB image based on watermarking [#p0e0f609]
-The lower bit planes of RGB images are not significant information for human perception. We achieved a balanced performance in both RGB and spectral data by embedding the estimation error of multispectral data calculated from RGB into the lower bit planes of RGB image. Additionally, the proposed method has a compression tolerance.
--Kazuma Shinoda, Aya Watanabe, Madoka Hasegawa, and Shigeo Kato, "Multispectral image reconstruction from watermarked RGB image", Optical Review, vol. 22, issue 3, pp. 469-476, Jun. 2015.
--篠田一馬, 長谷川まどか, 加藤茂夫, “情報ハイディング技術を用いたRGB画像へのスペクトル情報の埋め込み,”日本色彩学会視覚情報基礎研究会第21回研究発表会論文集, CSA-FVI-2015-9, Jun. 2015.
--Kazuma Shinoda, Aya Watanabe, Madoka Hasegawa, and Shigeo Kato, "Multispectral image estimation from RGB image based on digital watermarking," Association Internationale de la Couleur (AIC), pp. 1278 - 1282, Tokyo, 2015.
--渡邉彩, 篠田一馬, 長谷川まどか, 加藤茂夫, “電子透かしを用いたRGB画像へのマルチスペクトル情報埋め込みに関する一検討,”PCSJ/IMPS2014, I-4-17, Nov. 2014.


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